Sunday 21 July 2013

He is Amazing

"He will come to us like rain." Hosea 6:3

As I lay in bed, feeling extremely relaxed and hearing the rain drops on my roof, I found that verse from Hosea.

God has spoken to me in so many ways over the past week which has left me feeling rejuvenated and more alive than before. The last two days I have been at Lutheran College learning about sacraments, relationships and the world. I met a wonderful friend who introduced me to Beth Moore - an inspiring women from Texas who lives for God in every way possible. She has many bible studies I would love to attempt, however, in the meantime I came across this clip, which has encouraged me to see God's word in a different light. It is no longer scary, overwhelming or boring. It is encouraging and communicative.

Thankyou Lord

1 comment:

  1. BJ and I said 'thank you Lord' as well - for his promises and for you.

    'God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.' [David Nicholas}

