Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Goal Setting

Another year has passed and another year has arrived. It is that time of year when people start setting their new goals for the new year. If you are anything like me though, generally the new year resolutions that I make only last approximately three days, four hours and fifteen seconds before they become too hard. However, this couple has goal setting down pat and now I'm excited. Check it out, it might work for you too?

We can do it!

1 comment:

  1. M. J. Slim Hooey said: "I have come to terms with the future.
    From this day onward I will walk easy on the earth. Plant trees...
    Live in harmony with all creatures.
    I will restore the earth where I am.
    Use no more of its resources than I need.
    And listen, listen to what it is telling me.'
    Achievable? I think so.
    Enjoy 2014!
