Thursday, 31 October 2013

A Thursday Drive

A drive that would have taken me eighty minutes five months ago, took Mr J and I one hundred minutes today. It was wonderful to drive through the hills again, see the country side and smell the fresh air. We arrived at Victor Harbour for fish & chips for lunch, accompanied by numerous seagulls and a seagull-wannabe, the magpie.

Letting out our inner-children, we challenged each other in a game of mini golf. We putted through whales, lighthouses and obstacles to finish the game in a draw. Many high-fives to Mr J's hole-in-ones! 

We finished our time near the beach, talking to Nana and Pa for a good hour or more before peeking through some display homes and travelling our long drive home. 

Thankful for a man in my life who I can call my best friend, for relatives, for Thursday's free, for petrol money, for sunny days and for God's creation. 

Happy Thursday! 

Friday, 25 October 2013

{The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller}

After six months of this book making trips from my bookshelf, to the car, to my hambag, to my bedside table and back to my bookshelf I have finally started reading it and only wish I had started it ages ago. I can't put it down because it makes so much sense! Timothy Keller is not only teaching me about marriage - I'm learning about myself, about God and about life.

There is one thing I never thought I could bring myself to do, and that is highlight pages of a brand new novel but in this case, the things I'm reading deserve highlighting. I don't often make it to the end of a book but as I unite with page 170, I can see myself in it for the long haul. So far, this is definitely making it to this page.

What is some of your recommended reading?
Happy Weekend Everyone!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

A Little Inspiration

16 Reasons Mr.J Deserves A Dozen Cupcakes

#1 For letting me experience, fall in love with and crave his egg and bacon specialty #2 For making a yellow unicycle with glow in the dark wheels look so fun #3 For having a greater love for dishwashing liquid and a sponge than me #4 For introducing me to the scrummiest ice-cream that doesn't create dishes #5 For encouraging my dreams, even if I don't know what they are #6 For letting me ask one hundred and one questions during a movie, although I know it must frustrate him like a mosquito in an ear #7 For researching how to make candles because he thinks I would be good at it #8 For being an awesome prayer partner and advice giver #9 For being my selfless wingman and accompanying me to markets such as this one #10 For being a gentleman and opening every car and building door for me #11 For having the best hiding spots for our travelling journal #12 For providing me with blankets and tissues when I'm blowing my nose more than an elephant #13 For conversations reminding me what I have to be thankful for #14 For introducing me to vanilla coffee while late night assignment writing #15 For making a baseball uniform look so attractive #16 For loving and forgiving me everyday of the week.

So flipping excited to share a home and a life with this incredible man.
Only one hundred and four sleeps to go.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Praising our Lord through song

During SAYCO over the past weekend, I was introduced to two new songs that praised God in more ways than one. We have an amazing Lord! 

"We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope." - Timothy Keller

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

SAYCO 2013

My long weekend was spent serving God at SAYCO, just like the past two years. I couldn't imagine spending my October long weekend any other way!

Shopped in bulk here
Shopped in non-bulk elsewhere
Packed the car as full as it could get
Started our hour drive to camp
Bought lunch here with Mr J's voucher from here
Arrived at camp
Un-packed the car
Ate dinner
Met, talked, listened and enjoyed the community of the SAYCO team
Made nickelodeon slime
Made many litres of jelly
Bed time

Woke at 6:45am
Helped set up a bouncy castle and velcro wall in the wind! 
(For some reason wind and boucy castles don't get along?!)
Passengered in a buggy to help move luggage to camp sites
Ate lunch
Camp began with worship
Set up for carnival by directing face painters, fairy floss, popcorn, booths and live music
Ate dinner
Set up nightlife with painting, nail polish, make up, henna wii and floor games.
Nightlife opened and so did the bouncy castles, popcorn and live music once again
Team meeting
Sharing of blessings and positive stories from the day
Bed time

Day light savings started
Lost an hour sleep
Woke at 6:45am for breakfast
Sold chocolates and snacks to campers from Snack central
Helped Mr J prepare for his tribal and messy games
Purchased over 100 tennis balls
Filled hundreds of paper bags with flour
Ate lunch
Witnessed messy games
(involving flour, water baloons, shaving cream, spaghetti, baked beans, slime and jelly)
Ate dinner
Dance party 
Bed time

Woke at 7am for breakfast
Began pack up
Ate lunch
Passengered in a buggy to help pack up
Relaxed and celebrated the camp with some amazing people
Home time
Shower time
Tea time
Sleep time

God worked in so many wonderful ways over the weekend and I feel so blessed to have been apart of it.
His grace is enough!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

God is Love

After listening to this sermon online from a church based in Washington, Mr J and I gained a greater understanding of the definition of love. A definition in which is challenging but with the help of our Lord, we want to learn and master to the best of our ability.

"Love is seeking (and choosing) the highest good for the other person, even at great cost to yourself" 

As it says in 1 John 4:7-12, God doesn't have an attribute of love but He IS love. Therefore, by loving others in a way that God loves us, we are sharing our wonderful Saviour with them.

This teaching from God, was the basis behind my latest DIY cushion (see photo above) - all you need is a plain cushion, letter stencils and a fabric texta.