Monday, 25 March 2013

KCO 2013

What a wonderful weekend! Mr J and I joined a team of many lovely people, hundreds of children, church leaders, entertainers, caterers and a very enthusiastic, positive vibe as we attended KCO 2013.

KCO is a camp for children between 7 and 12 years of age. It is run by the Uniting Church of South Australia to encourage and assist kids to explore their faith through relationships with others, performances, activities, games and worship. God is great!

Mr J did what he knows best, shared his humour and energy as MC... and was wonderful! I co-ordinatored the merchandise stall to allow children to take home something physical to share with their families.

12 months until the next KCO.. already excited!
By then, Mr J and I will be married too!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

My Confession

I have a confession. I only did the Whole30 for one week. Oops. I have been part of a number of birthday celebrations,  a hens night, a little holiday away and recently a camp which confronted me with many food temptations. Some I couldn't avoid but others I didn't want to avoid. I plan to resurrect this though. As of the first of April I look forward to a month of clean eating. Therefore, I'm going to make the most of Easter, a wedding this weekend and left over birthday cake.

Friday, 15 March 2013


I'm thankful for a Friday at home to finish my first seventeen-hundred word essay since 2010.

I'm thankful for Mr J, especially for writing me 'just becasue' letters, taking me on picnics and bravely undergoing tickle fights close to midnight.

I'm thankful for a family who listen to my wedding and planning talk.

I'm thankful for a regular income, although it's unexciting, it keeps our budget realistic.

I'm thankful for some cooler weather to reunite my quilt and I

Bring on the weekend!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

A Weekend Started Well

What a weekend so far! Joyful. Blessed.

Friday night at 10:30pm, Mr J and I drove two whole hours to Pt Victoria to enjoy the company of wonderful friends and to R-to-the-ELAX. We watched movies, the boys let the fish eat their bait, we paddled, ate, laughed, admired the sunset and sat. It was great. 10:00am this morning we returned home for Mr J to earn dollars.

I got home and.... Golly Mac Dolly!! Check out what my inspiring father made me. Yep, a door turned into a desk! I'm in love. Who knew my little bedroom could squeeze in an office?!

Long weekends are fabulous, still two more days to do whatever.
What are you doing during this autumn heat?

Saturday, 2 March 2013


It has only been eleven hours since I decided to do this and ten of those hours I was fast asleep, but I'm excited and motivated! Today is the first day of my journey on the Whole30. Why am I doing this? I want to feel comfortable and confident with myself again, I aim to sleep better, have more energy and help my skin. Not to mention, I have a wedding coming up! I hope that this program can help me 'Eat to Live, not Live to Eat' and give me realization of different health foods out there. I expect crazy cravings to appear, dopey mood changes and down days but everything is a choice. I choose to live the next thirty days eating as Whole30 wants me too.

If anyone wants more information on this, send me a messo.

Happy Weekend-ing!